Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

304 - Degree in Medicine

26779 - Liaison and Psychosomatic Psychiatry

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
26779 - Liaison and Psychosomatic Psychiatry
Faculty / School:
104 - Facultad de Medicina
304 - Degree in Medicine
First semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The design of the subject is as follows:

The course is structured in 16 lectures theoretical, 8 monographic seminars, 3 workshops and clinical practices.

The content of the lectures will be supported by a recommended reference list previously adapted to the level of the knowledge student.

There will be close coordination between theoretical lessons (which will also include clinical cases), seminars and workshops. In both, but especially in the workshops, it is necessary that students have a very active participation. This requires that the student is previously documented in their out-of-class assignments.

5.2. Learning tasks

The program that the student is offered includes the following activities:

1. Classroom Teaching (45%, 1,80 ECTS) (45 hours).

The program has 16 lessons (lectures);  8 seminars and 3 workshops are added.


• Large groups (45%).

16 lectures, distributed in a sequential and logical manner.

The subject, theoretical, is divided into four parts: Planning; Introduction and key scientific concepts; Etiology; and Special part.

However, for practical purposes, and to expose students early on to patients, clinical cases, to take advantage from early clinical practice the teaching is divided as follows:


1. Planning Course

Where the educational objectives are specified; Program of the course, the criteria relating to practices recommended bibliography, etc.

2. Introduction and key scientific concepts

Where the concept of the discipline is provided, and the following aspects are reviewed: the issue of important syndromes, clinical history scheme,  "psychosomatic" normal and abnormal reactions to a somatic disease and scientific criteria in the evaluation of patients.

3. Etiology aspects

Where brain bases and other biological bases in psychopathological and "psychosomatic" phenomena are studied; and the psychological and social bases, always in medical and general practitioner’s patients. Finally, the psychogenesis is studied in psychosomatic and somatic diseases, with a critical perspective.

4. Special Part

In which brain disorders and other medical and surgical conditions that can cause psychopathological phenomena are studied; depression (including "demoralization") and anxiety in medical patients in relation to psychosomatic pathology; masking problems and distinction with symptoms of somatic diseases; abnormal illness behavior, including somatization and somatoform disorders and "occupational" neurosis. The study of so called "psychosomatic illnesses" receives naturally a special emphasis; as well as the study of medical-surgical diseases and specific mental and "psychosomatic" disorders.

The psychotherapy and social therapy in "psychosomatics" and liaison psychiatry; and preventive issues and care are also addressed in this part.

5.3. Syllabus

Theoretical program

(Following each subject in the Program, a clinical case will be discussed in Seminaries or Workshops)

1. One clinical case from the “psychosomatic” perspective. Psychosomatic Medicine and Liaison Psychiatry: a conceptual, philosophical and clinical challenge for contemporary physicians. Scientific bases.

2. Clinical and psychopathological aspects. I. Normal and pathological reactions following somatic illnesses.

3. Clinical and psychopathological aspects. II. Aspects of “psychosomatic” interest in the general syndromes. Abnormal illness behavior. The alexithymic phenomenon. “Psychosomatic disturbances”.

4. The clinical history. The clinical interview: a crucial theoretical and practical issue.

5. Scientific criteria in assessing patients. The clinical interview. Tests and scales in this field.

6. Brain bases and other biological bases of psychopathological and “psychosomatic” phenomena.
7. Psychological and social bases in the psychiatric and “psychosomatic”  disorders in medical patients. Psychogenesis in somatic diseases. A critical view.

8. Brian diseases and other medical illnesses potentially involved in psychpathological phenomena.

9. Depression and anxiety in medical patients and in relation to “Psychosomatic” disturbances. Masking and difficulties to discriminate from symptoms of somatic diseases.

10. Abnormal illness behavior. I. Somatization and somatoform disorders, hypocondriasis, chronic pain.

11. Abnormal illness behavior. II. Conversion/ dissociation disorders. Chronic fatigue. Factitious disorders. occupational neurosis.

12. The so called “psychosomatic illnesses”. Psychogenetic theories, empirical data and general discussion.

13. Medical illnesses and specific psychiatric and “psychosomatic” disorders. I. Circulatory, respiratory renal, endocrine and locomotor disorders.

14. Medical illnesses and specific psychiatric and “psychosomatic” disorders. II. Oncological, dermatological, infectious, HIV/AIDS.

15. Medical illnesses and specific psychiatric and “psychosomatic” disorders.

III. Psychiatric disorders in surgical and transplant patients.

15. Psychotherapy and sociotherapy in “psychosomatic” disturbances and liaison psychiatry. General principles and specific techniques.

16. Prevention in  Psychosomatics and Liaison Psychiatry. Ethical and legal aspects.

- Small groups (45%). The theoretical program is complemented by eight  1-hour Seminars., three 1-hour workshops  and clinical practices.

* Seminars (30%)

Seminars are related to the basic lessons of the overall program. They will be delivered through presentations of clinical cases with active student participation. In addition, there will be more seminars on scientific models and approaches.

Each seminar and workshop will be held in small groups. The studentss’ schedule and distribution will appear in due time on the bulletin board of the Area of ​​Psychiatry. They will be divided into groups of four to five students, and should work on one  paper related to a topic in one of the seminars.


* Workshops (25%).

Workshops are practical, with particularly active student participation.

Research Projects will receive special emphasis.


* Practice (30%)

Clinical contact with patients in the hospital. Students will be  distributed in sections organized according to the corresponding semester chart.

Confidentiality agreement

"All students involved in practical activities in which personal or clinical patient history data are handled, will be required to keep the confidentiality".




(In addition to the theoretical and practical classes with clinical cases).


A. Clinical cases: direct (or video) presentation and discussion with students. The clinical history in Psychosomatics and LiaisonPsychiatry. The clinical interview and examination of the patient. Psychological tests and assessment scales. Diagnostic and therapeutic orientation. The role of the multidisciplinary team.

B. Discussion of chapters / specific monographs (to prepare and comment by students, supervised by teachers)

C. Training to evaluate personally the references: how to make a critical assessment of journal articles.

D. Discussion of original papers published in this field. Relevant contemporary work: methodological aspects, statistical, proof that the conclusions are well founded in the results, etc.

E. Introduction to research. Theoretical introduction to the scientific method in its specific application to our discipline. Participatory discussion. The Department Research Projects in this field.

F. Special seminars (including external foreign guests, professors or national guest).

1. Social Anthropology in Medicine

2. Other Seminars (includes subjects selected by the students)

G. The preparation of the design of a research project

* Tutorials (15%)

Personal tutorials will be organized, and the students will be required to have a previous appointment, in person or telematic. They will be held in standard time of classes. Group tutorials will also be available, organized by the professor in charge of seminars and workshops. At the beginning of the academic year, the students will be distributed to the available professors. The general objective of tutorials is  to achieve an adequate academic orientation of the student.

2. Out-of-classroom teaching (55%, 2,20 ECTS, 55 hours)

This  is the work  the student must complete to prepare the theoretical program and the seminars and workshops, before and after delivery.



Lobo A.: Manual de Psiquiatría General. Editorial Médica Panamericana. Madrid. 2013

Lobo, A.: Psiquiatría Psicosomática y de Enlace. En: C Rozman y F Cardellach. A. P. Farreras-Valentí, C, XVII ed. Medicina interna, Farreras-Rozman. Barcelona, Elsevier. 2012. Vol. II. Pags. 1485-1488.

Lobo A, Campayo A: Psiquiatría de enlace: En: Palomo T, Jimenez Arriero MA, ed. Manual de Psiquiatría. Madrid. Ene Life Publicidad Editores. Madrid, 2009.

Lobo A. y cols. Enfermedades Psicosomáticas. En: Tiempos Médicos 2003; 599: 49.

Lobo A, Campos R. Psiquiatría de enlace e interconsulta y enlace. En: Vallejo-Ruiloba, J, Leal-Cercós, C, ed. Tratado de psiquiatría. Marban. Madrid, 2012.

Levenson, J,L. Tratado de medicina psicosomática. Barcelona: Ars Medica, cop. 2006.

Blumenfield M, Strain J,J. Psychosomatic MedicineLippincott Williams & Wilkins.Philadelphia, 2006.

Ventura T. et al. (2010). "Bioética en Psiquiatría", Docencia en Psiquiatría y Salud Mental. Anatomía de una especialidad. Granada: Grupo Editorial Universitario.

5.4. Course planning and calendar

Schedule of classroom sessions and presentation of works

Lectures: 1 session per school week (alternating with seminars and workshops) = 16 hours.

Seminars: 1 every two weeks for 16 weeks = 8 hours.

Workshops: 1 every 2-3 weeks for 16 weeks = 3 hours

The works of small groups (4-5 students) distributed in the seminars and the workshops will be delivered in schedule specified by the responsible professor.

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

  • Lobo Satué, Antonio. Manual de psiquiatría general / Antonio Lobo Satué Buenos Aires ; Madrid [etc.] : Editorial Médica Panamericana, D.L. 2013
  • Medicina interna [17ª ed.] / fundado por A. von Domarus ; continuado por P. Farreras Valentí ; director (desde 1968) C. Rozman ; subdirector (desde 2003), F. Cardellach López . 17ª ed. Ámsterdam ; Barcelona ; Madrid [etc.]: Elsevier, 2012
  • Tratado de psiquiatría / directores, Julio Vallejo Ruiloba, Carmen Leal Cercós; [coordinadores, Miguel Bernardo Arroyo ... et al.] . - 2ª ed., reimp. rev. Madrid: Marbán, D.L. 2012
  • Levenson, James L. Tratado de medicina psicosomática / James L. Levenson; [revisión científica, Manuel Valdés Miyar; colaboradores, Susan E. Abbey... (et al.) ; prólogo, Stephen C. Scheiber] Barcelona; Madrid [etc.] : Ars Medica, cop. 2006
  • Tiempos médicos de España. [Madrid]: Edilerne, 1973- [Publicación periódica] [Lobo A. y cols. Enfermedades psicosomáticas. Año 2003; págs. 17-24]